55,00 € additionally 19% VAT
Creation of a digital, editable, audio-tactile graphic according to your wishes. It is made publicly available on share.problind.org. You then enter the text content.
Creation of a tactile graphic of your choice without printing – normal effort
We create an audio-tactile graphic for you and make it available online as a public graphic in the “Share” database.
On "Share" you can also download your graphic, print it and change the content as you wish (You need a free user account for this. (https://share.problind.org/app/login) We grant your account editing rights for the graphic.
Please note that we will check the cost of the graphic and cancel the order if the graphic you require does not meet the conditions for a graphic with normal effort.
Normal effort:
– This is not a floor plan, network plan or other plans with elaborate details
– The number of complex shapes that need to be traced is limited
– No more than 80% of the format is filled with graphic elements
How to order graphics:
After purchasing this service, send us a completed Graphic Order Form with a clear template for the graphic and audio text content to info@inventivio.com (subject: “Graphic Order”)
The graphic will be implemented within 4 weeks after confirmation (by e-mail) of the template by Inventivio GmbH.
If you would like to learn how to create audio-tactile graphics for the Tactonom Reader yourself, then visit the Create - ProBlind page or contact the ProBlind association directly by e-mail to book a free Zoom workshop: info@problind .org