1) Prescription from the treating ophthalmologist
This regulation should contain the following information:
Tactonom Reader (Aid number: 0799060001) – Quantity 1 or 2
Transport trolley (Resource number: 0799060002)
Graphic bag (Aid number: 0799060003) – Recommended quantity:2
2) Test report
In order to ensure that the beneficiary can also use the Tactonom Reader, a so-called test report is required. This testing can be carried out by Reinecker or Inventivio. Please contact us to arrange an appointment for testing:
Tel: 0911-2530590
E-mail: info@inventivio.com
Reinecker vision:
Tel: 06257 93110
E-mail: info@reneckervision.de
3) Statement from teachers
In exceptional cases, a statement from teachers may be requested.
As a member of the DBSV or bebsk, you can also get free advice from the specialist lawyers at RBM (Rights of Disabled People):
Tel: 06421/94844 – 90 or 91
E-mail: kontakt(at)rbm-rechtsberatung.de
Website: www.rbm-rechtsberatung.de